Book Quotes - Page 42
It often happens that the quotations constitute the most valuable part of a book.
Vicesimus Knox (1805). “Winter Evenings: Or Lucubrations on Life and Letters. ...”, p.47
Theodore Schroeder (1911). “"Obscene" Literature and Constitutional Law: A Forensic Defense of Freedom of the Press”
Sven Birkerts (2006). “The Gutenberg Elegies: The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age”, p.168, Macmillan
Sheridan Hay (2008). “The Secret of Lost Things”, p.6, Anchor
Saul Alinsky (2016). “Thirteen Tactics for Realistic Radicals: from Rules for Radicals”, p.6, Vintage
Sara Nelson (2004). “So Many Books, So Little Time: A Year of Passionate Reading”, p.27, Penguin
Bookshops are infested with ideas. Books are quivering, murmuring creatures.
Rodrigo Rey Rosa (2014). “Margellos World Republic of Letters: Severina”, p.17, Yale University Press
Robert Aris Willmott (1907). “Pleasures of Literature”
Ramakrishna (1960). “Sayings: The Most Exhaustive Collection of Them, Their Number Being 1120”
I breathed the book before I saw it; tasted the book before I read it.
Paul Harding (2011). “Tinkers”, p.44, Random House
Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin (1970). “God and the State”, p.6, Courier Corporation