We want to be all things, not just to gain power over things - how infantile!
All things are divine. And yet, we pick and choose among them what's appropriate.
Think about these things and see if they make sense to you. You will find that work will no longer be a four-letter word. It will be a three-letter word: fun.
You work many hours. It is the major activity of your life. You can lose a lot of energy or gain a lot of energy from it. Put your full attention into it and do a good job, because it is part of your impeccability.
When you hold positive thoughts and images in your mind, you raise your power level and you create a vibratory energy around those thoughts - those thoughts are more likely to manifest.
The way to win the race is not to trip somebody else. Simply have more energy. You will not only have a greater chance of winning; but whether you win or lose, you'll be happy.
A student of mine is an actor, he used to go into these interviews and sometimes not get the part. He was "taken out". Someone would use power in a way that would cause him not to succeed
Power is something that is not really visible. Some people have the power to rise above circumstance. Sociological factors and DNA are not all that determine success. It is power.
As an individual learns and practices higher meditation techniques, a tremendous volume of energy and creativity flows through them. If they direct some of that energy towards their career, then naturally they will become successful.
Success will come about because you are in a higher state of mind. If you create good karma, then you will go into higher states of mind.
Approach each task in your life, no matter how simple or how complex, with power. Pick and choose things initially which are not impossible to succeed at. You need to develop the profile of a winner.
You need a string of successes behind you to buoy that self-image; otherwise, you have a terribly negative attitude about yourself and it is very unlikely you are going to succeed at anything.
If you want to succeed always associate with winners, people who have understood something. You will notice that they all share something in common, tremendous attention to detail in their personal lives and associations.
If you decide that you are a winner, and if you hold that image in your mind strongly enough, you will become a winner.
Most people are taught from an early age on, to conceive of themselves as losers. They are taught that there are a very special few who are eminently successful in life.
Winning begins at home. It begins with your thoughts and your actions.
Winning is an approach to life. The place it starts is not on the playing field or in the business organization; nor is it competitive. We are trying to do our best to bring perfection into whatever we turn our attention to.
I think it is very important to view life in terms of winning and losing until complete enlightenment has occurred.
People use ideas of non-duality as an escape from reality. It is very easy to say there is no winning and losing and justify the fact that you didn't do a very good job.
Winning and losing are feelings; something in us knows if we have won or lost.
Duality is a part of reality, and there is definitely winning and losing. If you don't think so talk to someone who has beaten cancer, talk to somebody who hasn't.
From my point of view, which is the point of view of no illusions, there is only winning and losing. You might as well be a winner.
If you think of thoughts of success and back them up with hard work, then you will be a winner. If you cherish doubts, negative thoughts, then you won't be a winner at all.
Having the competitive edge to be able to succeed is having control of your time, life and mind.
Career success is using your daily work, schoolwork, work in the world, work at home, as a way of advancing your mental state.