The siddhas are developed through the tonal, not the nagual.
What they should really do, if they want supreme power, is develop the tonal to perfection.
When you can command the nagual you have a great deal of power, and people know it intuitively. They feel if they can plunge themselves into the nagual they can get anything they want in the tonal.
When you're in the desert you witness acts of power. When you're in the world of the tonal, drop all that nonsense, become logical and orderly and have fun with that.
As long as you fight the system, all of the things that are part of the tonal of the times, then you will be imbalanced and will not do well in the other levels of attention.
As long as you continue to run away from the world, I will not be able to show you your luminosity.
Most of you are predominantly nagual. You have trouble with the physical life because you have devoted more of your attention to the mysterious side of your being.
Until your physical togetherness increases, your development in the inner worlds will not increase.
Why is it when you start to meditate you stop at a certain point? Because you're tied to the world, you have holes in your being and you haven't learned to lead an efficient life.
You're not capable of stepping into nirvana at this time. If you did it would be disastrous. You're tonal would be swamped.
You can make all the changes to the island of the tonal you want, you can take excursions into the nagual, but to push yourself into the reordering process is absolutely foolish.
The reordering of the luminous fibers is a very sophisticated art. It's not something anyone should ever undertake without supervision.
As we gradually open that bubble and allow the luminous being inside to come out, your second attention will develop and you'll begin to see, deal with, and become the totality of yourself.
What I do, the teacher of the nagual, is open up the bubble of your luminosity and allow the luminous being to take short excursions into the unknown.
As we slam you with more and more devastating blows of the nagual, at the same time, we strengthen and clear the tonal so that it can easily withstand them - so there is no loss in continuity of consciousness.
When you sit, you've put a place on the island of the tonal for the possibility of your thoughts stopping for a short period of time.
What the teacher does is sweep all of the logic, order and reason onto one side and make that side very strong.
The Eightfold Path is ordering the island of the tonal completely.
The Buddha would never speak about enlightenment. The way he taught people about enlightenment was they meditated with him. He exposed them to countless views of the nagual.
In the training process, the teacher addresses two sides of your being. One is the tonal and one is the nagual.
When we talk, answer questions, I'm addressing your tonal. I'm teaching you a way or a series of ways of dealing with the world.
"Don't talk about enlightenment," Buddha would say. He was saying don't talk about the nagual. He'd talk about how to get to it.
The tonal leads the way. You have to have a methodology.
Your tonal must accept that the nagual exists and that it's beneficial and healthy.
Thought is the ultimate tonal. Each thought is like a dike that blocks out the nagual.