Capitalism Quotes - Page 3
Capitalism and Freedom ch. 1 (1962)
Is it capitalism or states that must be destroyed in order to get peace, or must both be abolished?
Kenneth N. Waltz (2013). “Man, the State, and War: A Theoretical Analysis”, p.127, Columbia University Press
Joseph A. Schumpeter (2013). “Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy”, p.61, Routledge
The uneven distribution of wealth in the world is due to the uneven distribution of capitalism.
Johan Norberg (2005). “In Defence of Global Capitalism”, p.154, Academic Foundation
The only solution to the contradictions of capitalism entails the abolition of wage labour.
"The Limits To Capital". Book by David Harvey, 1982.
Camille Paglia (1990). “Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson”, Vintage
Thorstein Veblen, Richard Henry Tawney, John Maynard Keynes (1990). “Thorstein Veblen, R.H. Tawney, John Maynard Keynes”
"Varieties of Fascism: Doctrine of Revolution in the Twentieth Century" by Eugen Weber, Princeton, NJ, D. Van Nostrand, (p. 47), 1964.
"Why Marx Was Right". Book by Terry Eagleton, 2011.