
Catchy Quotes - Page 2

We've always had a lot of different influences and we've always liked catchy music from the Beatles to Cheap Trick to Elvis Costello.

We've always had a lot of different influences and we've always liked catchy music from the Beatles to Cheap Trick to Elvis Costello.

"Simple Plan Reveal New Album Plans, Talk 5sos & Warped Tour". Interview with Maria Sherman, July 22, 2015.

You see what power is holding someone else's fear in your hand and showing it to them.

Amy Tan (2006). “The Kitchen God's Wife”, p.356, Penguin

I'm a sucker for a catchy song, and dance music. That's my sweet spot.

"Hilary Duff Interview BLOODWORTH". Interview with Christina Radish, May 19, 2011.

When I'm making something I need it to be catchy - I need it to hit the sweet spot.

"Always Waiting For The Shivers To Happen: Grimes Interviewed". Interview with Angus Finlayson, May 25, 2012.

I think that a good song is catchy, and a great song is not catchy - but it has a deeper meaning.

"Courtney Barnett on songwriting, self-confidence, and her record label". Interview with Rose Riddell, February 29, 2016.