Censure Quotes

The readiest and surest way to get rid of censure, is to correct ourselves.
"The World's Laconics: Or, The Best Thoughts of the Best Authors" by Everard Berkeley, (p. 34), 1853.
Never be afraid of the world's censure; it's praise is much more to be dreaded.
Spurgeon, Charles (2015). “The Complete Works of C. H. Spurgeon, Volume 28: Sermons 1637-1697”, p.238, Delmarva Publications, Inc.
Alexander Pope (1847). “The works of Alexander Pope, with notes and illustrations, by himself and others. To which are added, a new life of the author [&c.] by W. Roscoe”, p.302
Alexander Pope (1853). “The poetical works of Alexander Pope”
If you should escape the censure of others, hope not to escape your own.
Henry HOME (Lord Kames.) (1775). “Introduction to the art of thinking. Third edition. Enlarged with additional maxims and illustrations. [By Henry Home, Lord Kames.]”, p.3
George Herbert, Christopher Harvey, George Gilfillan (1857). “The poetical works of George Herbert”, p.328
When Actions are a Censure upon themselves, the Reciter will always be consider'd as a Satirist.
Charlotte Lennox (1752). “The Female Quixote, Or, The Adventures of Arabella: In Two Volumes”, p.163