Character Quotes - Page 77

Character is the glue that bonds solid and meaningful relationships
Tony Dungy (2010). “The Mentor Leader: Secrets to Building People and Teams That Win Consistently”, p.71, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Bodily vigor is good, and vigor of intellect is even better, but far above is character.
Theodore Roosevelt (2012). “The Strenuous Life: Essays and Addresses”, p.53, Courier Corporation
Stephen R. Covey (2016). “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Interactive Edition”, p.51, Mango Media Inc.
Sidney Lumet (2010). “Making Movies”, p.31, Vintage
The Rambler no. 60 (13 Oct. 1750)
Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī (Maulana), Jelaluddin Rumi, Kabir Helminski, Andrew Harvey (2005). “The Rumi Collection: An Anthology of Translations of Mevlâna Jalâluddin Rumi”, p.46, Shambhala Publications
Richard Marcinko (2000). “The Real Team: Rogue Warrior”, p.7, Simon and Schuster
Society is a masked ball, where every one hides his real character, and reveals it by hiding.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Barbara L. Packer, Joseph Slater, Douglas Emory Wilson (2003). “The Conduct of Life”, p.119, Harvard University Press
Plato (2008). “Laws”, p.11, Cosimo, Inc.
Oswald Chambers (2015). “The Love of God: An Intimate Look at the Father-Heart of God”, p.39, Discovery House