
Chaucer Quotes

You know what my favourite quotation is?.. It's from Chaucer... Criseyde says it, I am myne owene woman, wel at ese.

You know what my favourite quotation is?.. It's from Chaucer... Criseyde says it, "I am myne owene woman, wel at ese."

"The Man in the Brooks Brothers Shirt". Short story by ary McCarthy, first published in "Partisan Review", 1941.

Chaucer followed Nature everywhere, but was never so bold to go beyond her.

John Dryden (1868). “The Poetical Works of John Dryden: With Life and Critical Dissertation”, p.194

And Chaucer, with his infantine Familiar clasp of things divine.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning (2009). “Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Selected Poems”, p.145, Broadview Press

Dan Chaucer, well of English undefyled,On Fames eternall beadroll worthie to be fyled.

Edmund Spenser, Philip Masterman (1839). “The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser”, p.20