
Children Quotes - Page 662

Marx was fortunate to have been born eighty years before Walt Disney. Disney also promised a child's paradise and unlike Marx, delivered on his promise.

John Ralston Saul (2013). “Voltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in the West”, p.19, Simon and Schuster

As children gath'ring pebbles on the shore. Or if I would delight my private hours With music or with poem, where so soon As in our native language can I find That solace?

John Milton (1748). “The Poetical Works of Mr. John Milton: Containing Paradise Lost, ... Paradise Regain'd, ... Samson Agonistes, ... And His Poems on Several Occasions. With a Tractate of Education. In Two Volumes”, p.58

Children and fooles speake true.

John Lyly, Frederick William Fairholt, Lillie Lyly (1858). “The Dramatic Works of John Lilly, (the Euphuist.): John Lilly and his works. Endimion. Campaspe. Sapho and Phao. Gallathea. Notes”, p.55

We must neither behave as children by resisting honesty, nor allow ourselves to be treated as children by having honesty withheld.

John H. McWhorter (2000). “Losing the Race: Self-sabotage in Black America”, p.151, Simon and Schuster

The child must teach the man.

John Greenleaf Whittier (1857*). “Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier”, p.391

The soul of the poorest child is of equal dignity with the soul of Adam.

John Flavel (1698). “A treatise of the soul of man: wherein the divine original, excellent and immortal nature of the soul are opened; its love and inclination to the body, with the necessity of its separation from it, considered and improved; the existence, operations, and states of separated souls, both in heaven and hell, immediately after death, asserted, discussed, and variously applied; divers knotty and difficult questions about departed souls both philosophical, and theological, stated and determined; the invaluable preciousness of human souls, and the various artifices of Satan (their professed enemy) to destroy them, discovered; and the great duty and interest of all men, seasonably and heartily to comply with the most great and gracious design of the Father, Son, and Spirit, for the salvation of their souls, argued and pressed”, p.35