
Choices Quotes - Page 7

We can't deter people fleeing for their lives. They will come. The choice we have is how well we manage their arrival, and how humanely.

"U.N. Refugee Chief: Europe's Response to Mediterranean Crisis Is 'Lagging Far Behind'". April 23, 2015.

Only a fool would try to deprive working men and working women of their right to join the union of their choice.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, Alfred Dupont Chandler, Louis Galambos (1978). “The papers: The chief of staff”

There is a choice you have to make in everything you do. So keep in mind that in the end, the choice you make, makes you.

John Wooden (2011). “Wooden's Complete Guide to Leadership (EBOOK BUNDLE)”, p.43, McGraw-Hill Professional