
Neal Shusterman Quotes

I'd rather be partly great than entirely useless.

I'd rather be partly great than entirely useless.

Neal Shusterman (2014). “UnSouled”, p.91, Simon and Schuster

When you live a life without questions, you're unprepared for the questions when they come.

Neal Shusterman (2012). “Unwholly”, p.208, Simon and Schuster

There's ordinary people out there doing extraordinary things.

Neal Shusterman (2013). “UnWholly”, p.401, Simon and Schuster

Monster only had the power that you gave them

Neal Shusterman (2011). “Neal Shusterman's Skinjacker Trilogy: Everlost; Everwild; Everfound”, p.126, Simon and Schuster

In this world, there is a fine line between enlightenment and brain damage.

Neal Shusterman (2008). “Antsy Does Time”, p.145, Penguin

Small victories are bet­ter than none.

Neal Shusterman (2009). “Unwind”, p.101, Simon and Schuster

No true hero ever believes that they are one.

Neal Shusterman (2014). “UnSouled”, p.196, Simon and Schuster

That's what law is: educated guesses at right and wrong.

Neal Shusterman (2009). “Unwind”, p.172, Simon and Schuster