Christian Quotes - Page 175

John Stott (2013). “Baptism and Fullness: The Work of the Holy Spirit Today”, p.57, InterVarsity Press
The truth is that there are such things as Christian tears, and too few of us ever weep them.
John R. W. Stott, Dale Larsen, Sandy Larsen (1998). “The Beatitudes: Developing Spiritual Character”, Intervarsity Press
John Owen (2001). “The Person of Christ”, p.433, Sovereign Grace Publishers,
John Newton, Richard Cecil (1824). “The Works of the Rev. J. Newton ...: With the Memoirs of the Author and General Remarks on His Life, Connections, and Character”, p.77
John Flavel (1794). “Husbandry Spiritualized, Or, The Heavenly Use of Earthly Things: Consisting of Many Pleasant Observations, Pertinent Applications, and Serious Reflections : and Each Chapter Concluded with a Divine and Suitable Poem, Directing Husbandmen to the Most Excellent Improvements of Their Common Employments : Whereunto are Added, by Way of Appendix, Several Choice Occasional Meditations Upon Birds, Beasts, Trees, Flowers, Rivers, and Several Other Objects : Fitted for the Help of Such as Desire to Walk with God in All Their Solitudes, and Recesses from the World”, p.59
John Flavel (1799). “Whole Works of the Rev. Mr. John Flavel”, p.433
John Bunyan (1850). “The Riches of Bunyan”, p.423
John Adams, Charles Francis Adams (1851). “The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States: With a Life of the Author, Notes and Illustrations”, p.421
Jeremiah Burroughs, Rev Terry Kulakowski, Editor (2015). “The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment”, p.15,