
John Bunyan Quotes

Prayer will make a man cease from sin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer.

John Bunyan (1831). “The works of that eminent servant of Christ, John Bunyan: minister of the gospel and formerly Pastor of a Congregatin at Bedford”, p.96

No man, without trials and temptations, can attain a true understanding of the Holy Scriptures.

John Bunyan, George Barrell Cheever (1850). “The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to Come,: Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream. Wherein is Discovered the Manner of His Setting Out, His Dangerous Journey, and Safe Arrival at the Desired Country”, p.89

What God says is best, is best, though all the men in the world are against it.

John Bunyan, William Mason (1814). “The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to Come;: Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream: Wherein is Discovered the Manner of His Setting Out, His Dangerous Journey, and Safe Arrival at the Desired Country:”, p.97

I have often thought that the best Christians are found in the worst of times.

John Bunyan, John Stachniewski, Anita Pacheco (1998). “Grace Abounding with Other Spiritual Autobiographies”, p.274, Oxford University Press, USA

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and they that lack the beginning have neither middle nor end

John Bunyan (2015). “Delphi Complete Works of John Bunyan (Illustrated)”, p.378, Delphi Classics

Hope is never ill when faith is well.

John Bunyan (1862). “The Whole Works of John Bunyan ...: Reprinted from the Author's Own Editions”, p.583

Christians are like the several flowers in a garden that have each of them the dew of heaven, which, being shaken with the wind, they let fall at each other's roots, whereby they are jointly nourished, and become nourishers of each other.

John Bunyan (1851). “Christian Behaviour: A Holy Life, the Beauty of Christianity, the Fear of God, and an Exhortation to Unity and Peace to which is Added a Caution Against Sin”, p.75

The best prayers have often more groans than words.

John Bunyan (1850). “The Spirit of Prayer”, p.33

Our sins, when laid upon Christ, were yet personally ours, not his; so his righteousness, when put upon us, is yet personally his, not ours.

John Bunyan (1853). “The Works of John Bunyan: With an Introduction to Each Treatise, Notes, and a Sketch of His Life, Times, and Contemporaries ...”, p.303

Whatever contradicts the Word of God should be instantly resisted as diabolical.

John Bunyan, George Burder (1821). “The Holy War Made by King Shaddai Upon Diabolus, for the Regaining of the Metropolis of the World, Or The Losing and Taking Again of the Town of Mansoul”, p.13

The spirit of prayer is more precious than treasures of gold and silver.

John Bunyan (1831). “The works of that eminent servant of Christ, John Bunyan: minister of the gospel and formerly Pastor of a Congregatin at Bedford”, p.96