I believe prayer for our nation has never been more important as we witness an accelerating anti-Christian fervor in the so-called mainstream of our culture.
When one considers our nation's educational foundations - Harvard, Yale, Princeton and most of our respected institutions were originally Christian - it becomes evident why we, as Christians, maintain a passion about remaining true to the foundations of Scripture.
If you spend any time in Washington you'll find nerds. What happens is most of them sublimate their fixations with comics, or baseball cards, or 1960s British comedies to policy minutiae and political arcana. But, like Christians in ancient Rome, you can still spot them if you know the signals.
Reform Jews are the children of Conservative Jews, or as they are sometimes known, Christians with curlier hair.
Does anyone know... does the Christian persecution complex have an expiration date? Because... uh... you've all been in charge pretty much since... uh... what was that guys name... Constantine. He converted in, what was it, 312 A.D. I'm just saying, enjoy your success.
I have to say, as someone who is not a Christian, it’s hard for me to believe Christians are a persecuted people in America. God willing, maybe one of you one day will even rise up and get to be president of this country — or maybe forty-four in a row. But that’s my point, is they’ve taken this idea of no establishment as persecution, because they feel entitled, not to equal status, but to greater status.
While we remain a nation decisively shaped by religious faith, our politics and our culture are, in the main, less influenced by movements and arguments of an explicitly Christian character than they were even five years ago. I think this is a good thing - good for our political culture.
The decline and fall of the modern religious right's notion of a Christian America creates a calmer political environment and, for many believers, may help open the way for a more theologically serious religious life.
Would you like me to teach you how to trust God? Start with your money.
You can fall in the area of your strength as easily as you could fall in the area of your weakness.
Never stop forgiving.
The greatest joy of my is when Jesus moves on my heart and tells me to give to someone.
God wants an opportunity to prove who He is.
Move with the movers.
If you have an offense against me, do you know you can't repent of my sin? You can only plead your own personal pardon at the throne of God.
We are dealing in a day and time when the courts are defining sin different than the church.
Forgiveness is just such a big deal.
You can be genuinely forgiven by God and other people but still suffer the consequences from a particular sin in your life.
We just planted our 21st church.
If you are godly it has been because you have been made godly.
Before people deal with their own sin, they are always dealing with other people's sin.
God exposes your sin...And you see yourself as small as you are in the presence of a holy God.
You can minimize your sin. Rationalize your sin. Justify your sin.
If God did not care for you, there would never be a sense of a need to respond.
The enemy can steal your song.