I've been intrigued by politics my whole life. And, yes, I am very close to the Clintons. I was a Hillary person until I was an Obama person. And she was a Hillary person, too, until she was an Obama one, evidently.
The FBI released its report on [Hillary] Clinton's emails. It exonerated her almost completely, but a few days later Matt Lauer obliviously spent a full third of his interview with Clinton on the emails anyway. Lauer was widely pilloried for this.
[Donald] Trump had the opportunity to go after [Hillary] Clinton's emails at length if he wanted to, but he didn't.
I believe that voters should know who Hillary Clinton is.
Hillary Clinton doesn't connect with people.
[Bill Clinton] gave - he settled a - he settled a sexual harassment case for $850,000 with Paula Jones in 1998.
How about it's Hillary Clinton, she doesn't connect with people? How about they have nothing in common with her?
Hillary Clinton should be applauded for her willingness to serve publicly.
I'd rather frame [Clintons] in terms of what I think we need to do going forward.
We do know that [Hillary Clinton] was probably attacked and smeared as much as any candidate ever has been. We know that.
If you know Hillary Clinton, you know this is a woman who has never shied away from a fight.
I am not afraid of anything. I am voting for Hillary Clinton because I am excited and enthusiastic.
You have a lot of young people who still feel somewhat marginalized, even if they do vote for Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton the centraliser that inter-connects all these different cogs.
I think I could have worked for the Clinton administration.
The Democrats thought that Hillary Clinton is too aggressive and too much into regime change.
I think Rahm Emanuel is now defunct as any sort of a surrogate for Hillary Clinton.
There has been a fair amount of criticism of the DNC for letting this squabble between [Bernie] Sanders and [Hillary] Clinton campaigns spill out into the open.
I think Hillary Clinton is vastly intelligent and good-hearted and extremely qualified.
I've been a Hillary Clinton supporter for a long time and I know that is not actually a popular position.
I think the best explanation is that he [Enrique Pena] threw the offer out there, and just like Hillary Clinton didn`t answer it immediately, still hasn`t, he didn`t expect [Donald]Trump to do it either.
I never thought Hillary Clinton was a very good politician.
I have always seen the Clinton Foundation - yes, they do a lot of charitable good works. But by my lights, the charitable good works were a cost center like the electric bill. The reason why the foundation exists wasn't to do good work. It was to serve as sort of a place to park lugubrious sycophants like Sidney Blumenthal and other henchman, a place to serve as a super PAC, a place park her campaign while they were a government in exile
With Hillary Clinton as our commander in chief, our international relations will not be reduced to a business transaction. I also know that our armed forces will not become an instrument of torture and they will not be engaged in murder or carry out other illegal activities.
Hillary Clinton is not done yet.