
Common Experience Quotes

I did not know it was possible to be so miserable and live but I am told that this is a common experience.

I did not know it was possible to be so miserable and live but I am told that this is a common experience.

Evelyn Waugh, Mark Amory (1980). “The letters of Evelyn Waugh”, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH)

I have a tremendous belief in people, not that people don't let me down, not that I haven't maybe let some people down. But I have a tremendous belief in people and in the common experience.

"Kevin Costner Talks DRAFT DAY, His Career, What We Can Learn from the Movies, How GIANT Influenced His Outlook on Life, and More". Interview with Sheila Roberts, April 7, 2014.

My main hope is eventually, in modern education field, introduce education about warm-heartedness, not based on religion, but based on common experience and a common sort of sense, and then scientific finding.

"The Dalai Lama, Arianna Huffington Interview: His Holiness Discusses Compassion, Science, Religion And Sleep". Interview with Arianna Huffington, May 14, 2012.