Every candidate goes into every debate hoping that they can own a particular moment.
Defining the terms of the debate generally dictates who's gonna' win it.
The one state/two state debate is irrelevant as Israel and the US consolidate Greater Israel.
Oh, sure... I was trying to make to make a point that we shouldn't be afraid to debate the left, even on the environment. That was obviously misconstrued, and that's one of the things I probably won't do again
There's a debate among Democrats about how they should approach this new [Donald's Trump] administration.
In prison I had the opportunity to debate and discuss people that had subscribed to all forms of Islamism.
I don't really feel like I have to have a debate with my husband over issues.
In debate, one randomly was assigned to one side or the other. This had at least one virtue - it made one see that there was more than one side to these complex issues.
Immigration is by far the most controversial yet least understood issue in America. Frankly, given the way we're talking about immigration, given the emphasis, the overemphasis on border security, I would argue that we're not on the same page when we debate this issue. We're doing far too much debating and not enough conversing.
There is an ongoing debate about the reform of the U.N. system.
I heard Dennis Kucinich say in a debate, 'When I'm president... and I just wanted to stop him and say, 'Dude.'
While the debate on the Patriot Act is far from over, it is important that all Americans continue in this dialogue and work together to ensure greater security for our nation.
Much of the debate over global warming is predicated on fear, rather than science.
I don't know where we should take this company, but I do know that if I start with the right people, ask them the right questions, and engage them in vigorous debate, we will find a way to make this company great.
It is far easier to debate about realistic painting than to paint one.
Any debate among politicians about monetary policy is counterproductive.
See that's a goal that I think it's very good in the debate to find out who the person is.
I enjoyed debate on the floor but it's not really debate in the same way.
In the continuing debate over the morality of enhanced interrogation, an essential consideration is often overlooked: intent.
I've won every debate I've had with an atheist, and never converted even a single one.
Debate is the death of conversation.
There are 101 websites out there for debate - this was a blatant last attempt to get someone to stand against Gordon Brown.
In a lifetime of observing and participating in political debate, I have seen a lot of meanness.
It's time to debate images, especially when someone's going to prison for downloading them.
Trump is loose and obvious with his facial expressions. You could watch Donald Trump in a debate and not hear any of the words and you'll still get a sense for when he's pleased, when he's angry and when he's not.