I've worked with Ed Bradley, Dan Rather and lots of different local news anchors.
I dont see myself as any different from all the other Filipinos who have gone abroad looking for opportunity, to be a nurse, a labourer, a maid or a prostitute.
I would not like to have a homogeneous type of film. I wanted to go to many different kinds of ways of making cinema and telling stories and watching the country.
In the end, I would love [the audience] to be more open to the understanding of different types of personalities, you know?
I think being able to speak different languages, and being able to act in those languages is something that's really very rewarding.
Whenever I get a chance to work in a different language, or in a different accent, or anything like that, I'm game. I think it's a great challenge and something to be done.
Acting is mostly interpretive. They use different parts of you, and different sides of you, and different so-called talents.
I really don't see myself being apart from music. I like doing lots of different things. I've been involved in film for quite a long time and I just like doing film.
There's hundreds of different ways of writing songs.
I'm always amazed at how consistent people find me and my behavior, when in fact I do feel different all the time.
There are many different ways that a military person's career can be translated.
What I think and what Iam prepared to say are entirely different things.
We live in a different era now. And thank God for that.
I think the fascinating - several different pieces of the [Donald] Trump psyche revealed by what happened today and one of them is this decision not to hold more fundraisers.
I'm just like anyone else. I have ideals that I grasp onto but I try not to grasp on too tightly and to be open to other people's thoughts and opinions even if they're completely different than mine.
I've never had a plan. You look for different actors you want to work with or different subjects you want to explore, or sometimes it's just a momentary fancy.
I really enjoy singing, it's entirely different to acting because I'm just being myself.
The current global landscape is quite different from the not-too-distant past. The process of globalization has intensified, and the world is moving towards new forms of governance.
The dramatically different manner in which we, as a nation, responded to the crisis presented by drunk driving and the crisis caused by the emergence of crack cocaine speaks volumes about who we value, and who we view as disposable.
Different brands are indeed different, and that's the challenge of developing recipes for a cooker. But just like anything, you have to be flexible.
The ‘Great Society’ has not worked and it’s put us into the modern welfare state. If you look at China, they don’t have food stamps. If you look at China, they’re in a very different situation. They save for their own retirement security…they don’t have the modern welfare state and China’s growing. And so what I would do is look at the programs that LBJ gave us with the Great Society and they’d be gone.
It isn't easy to understand the lives of people different from your own.
Ingmar Bergman is a long way from me, but I admire him. He, too, concentrates a great deal on individuals; and although the individual is what interests him most, we are very far apart. His individuals are very different from mine; his problems are different from mine - but he's a great director. So is Fellini, for that matter.
One gets used to success very quickly. The surprise was how deep and enduringly I was touching people, in such different places and throughout generations.
I don't want to compare myself to him - I don't want people to see me as this great genius - but when I see Charlie Chaplin's movies there is a combination of drama, naivety and social meaning that I can see in myself, at a different level.