Different Quotes - Page 54
Transparency painted in a picture produces its effect in a different way than opaqueness.
Ludwig Wittgenstein, G. E. M. Anscombe, Linda L. McAlister, Margarete Schättle (2007). “Remarks on Colour/Bemerkungen Uber Die Farben”, Univ of California Press
"General System Theory". Book by Ludwig von Bertalanffy. Chapter 3: "Some System Concepts in Elementary Mathematical Consideration", p. 69, 1968.
"Pavarotti: My World". Book by Luciano Pavarotti and William Wright, 1995.
Fashion is only different skins for different flavours of you.
Lauren Beukes (2010). “Zoo City”, p.123, Jacana Media
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Johann Peter Eckermann (2014). “Conversations of Goethe with Johann Peter Eckermann”, p.80, Ravenio Books
Jodi Picoult (2011). “Sing You Home: A Novel”, p.237, Simon and Schuster
Elizabeth Frank, Jackson Pollock (1983). “Jackson Pollock”, Abbeville Pr