Divides Quotes
Otto Neurath, Marie Neurath, Robert Sonné Cohen (1973). “Empiricism and sociology”
John Luther Adams (2004). “Winter Music: Composing the North”, p.164, Wesleyan University Press
Oswald Chambers (2006). “My Utmost Fhh Grad Updated/E”, Barbour Publishing
Max Lucado (2013). “Traveling Light Deluxe Edition: Releasing the Burdens You Were Never Intended to Bear”, p.62, Thomas Nelson Inc
Grace Paley, Gerhard Bach, Blaine H. Hall (1997). “Conversations with Grace Paley”, p.228, Univ. Press of Mississippi
Divide et impera must be the motto of every nation that either hates or fears us.
Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay (2014). “The Federalist Papers”, p.31, Courier Corporation
Pablo Neruda (2001). “Libro de Las Preguntas”, p.13, Copper Canyon Press