Doctrine Quotes - Page 5
Herrick Johnson (1881). “Christianity's Challenge: And Some Phases of Christianity Submitted for Candid Consideration”
Eric Hoffer (1982). “Between the Devil and the Dragon: The Best Essays and Aphorisms of Eric Hoffer”, HarperCollins Publishers
Donald Davidson (2001). “Inquiries Into Truth and Interpretation: Philosophical Essays”, p.183, Oxford University Press
Thomas Jefferson, Martin Alfred Larson (1981). “Jefferson, magnificent populist”, Devin-Adair Pub
Plato (1970). “Great dialogues of Plato”, Plume
Oswald Chambers (2015). “He Shall Glorify Me: Talks on the Holy Spirit and Other Themes”, p.139, Discovery House
Indira Gandhi (1971). “Selected Speeches of Indira Gandhi: The years of challenge, January 1966-August 1969”
Henry Miller (1961). “The Cosmological Eye”, p.183, New Directions Publishing
Florence Nightingale, G?rard Vall?e, Lynn McDonald (2003). “Florence Nightingale on Mysticism and Eastern Religions: Collected Works of Florence Nightingale”, p.20, Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1866). “The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Comprising His Essays, Lectures, Poems, and Orations”, p.335
C.S. Lewis (1996). “Joyful Christian”, p.71, Simon and Schuster
Sarah Grimke, Angelina Grimke (2015). “On Slavery and Abolitionism: Essays and Letters”, p.97, Penguin