Drawing Quotes - Page 44

John Stuart Mill (2017). “JOHN STUART MILL - Ultimate Collection: Works on Philosophy, Politics & Economy (Including Memoirs & Essays): Autobiography, Utilitarianism, The Subjection of Women, On Liberty, Principles of Political Economy, A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive and More”, p.2782, Madison & Adams
John Ruskin (2015). “A Joy Forever”, p.126, John Ruskin
John Ruskin (1859). “The Elements of Drawing: In Three Letters to Beginners”, p.4
John Ruskin (1869). “Modern Painters: pt. 6. Of leaf beauty. pt. 7. Of cloud beauty. pt. 8-9. Of ideas of relation: Of invention formal. Of invention spiritual”, p.288
John Pfahl (1997). “Permutations on the picturesque”
John Green (2013). “Paper Towns”, p.129, A&C Black
John Berger (2008). “Selected Essays of John Berger”, p.31, Vintage