Ease Quotes - Page 6

The function of music is to release us from the tyranny of conscious thought.
Quoted in Harold Atkins and Archie Newman Beecham Stories (1978).
"Rumi Daylight: A Daybook of Spiritual Guidance". Book by Rumi, translated by Camille Adams Helminsk and Kabir Helminski, 1990.
"Top Gear: Series 8". TV Series, May 7, 2006.
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, Katherine Haramundanis (1996). “Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin: An Autobiography and Other Recollections”, p.85, Cambridge University Press
You are a person and then you cease to be a person, and a cadaver takes your place.
Mary Roach (2004). “Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers”, p.12, W. W. Norton & Company
So please ask yourself: What would I do if I weren't afraid? And then go do it.
Sheryl Sandberg (2014). “Lean In for Graduates”, p.35, Knopf
Martha Gellhorn (1988). “The Face of War”, p.7, Atlantic Monthly Press
The Essential Lenny Bruce, ed. John Cohen, epigram (1967)
You cannot increase the length of a day but you can improve the quality of it.
Ryuho Okawa (2013). “An Unshakable Mind: How to Overcome Life’s Difficulties”, p.19, Jaico Publishing House
Epicurus (1993). “The essential Epicurus: letters, principal doctrines, Vatican sayings, and fragments”