
Easter Quotes - Page 3

To Him I owe my life and breath, And all the joys I have; He makes me triumph over death, And saves me from the grave.

Samuel Stennett (1824). “The works ...: now first collected into a body: with some account of his life and writings”, p.539

Nobody's perfect. The only one that ever was, was crucified.

Loretta Lynn (2010). “Loretta Lynn: Coal Miner's Daughter”, p.12, Vintage

Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling

Augustus Montague Toplady, “Rock Of Ages, Cleft For Me”

The real war is not between the West and the East. The real war is between intelligent and stupid people.

"THE CULTUREPULP Q&A: 'Persepolis' creator Marjane Satrapi". Interview with Mike Russell, January 25, 2008.