I don't know, maybe she [Hillary Clinton] short-circuited when she wiped out 35,000 emails.
I think most Americans are against illegal surveillance of their emails and telephone calls by the government.
I was in my mid 20s when email finally took off. Until then, the phone was my primary way of connecting with the people in my life.
At present I answer about 100 letters a month, and read 300 emails.
Thankfully, readers send a lot of stuff. They see stories in their local newspaper. Or friends of mine email me, what they heard or saw. ... I'm very plugged in
My younger son told me nobody uses email anymore. I'm this old fogie with my email. I don't know what I'm supposed to communicate with now - SnapChat?
We're a culture more than ever that wants proof of everything, we want things fast, and someone sends you an email, you want to answer in five minutes. We have to allow ourselves nothingness, in our relationships too.
Whatever I write in email, it doesn't mean anything. It is just words I write.
So when you hear about Hillary's [Clinton] dishonesty, or the emails, or taking millions from the Saudis and other Middle Eastern dictatorships - remember, this is not about politics.
I assume everything I'm saying in an email or saying on the telephone is being looked at.
I don't tend to use technology all that much. Of course, I can't avoid it - it's called the telephone nowadays. And I do a certain amount of email, work-related primarily, on it. But I don't do a lot of looking for things online.
I literally have over a thousand emails in my inbox that need to be returned. I'm sure all of my friends and certain family members are like, 'Oh, look who got nominated for an Emmy and doesn't want to write me an email back!' I need a good few hours to just sit and get on the phone.
I understand that people can start to say stop it, let me have a break and look at my emails without having an ad pop up.
I wanted to make a site where I wasn't mailing physical things to people, but I was still giving people things, and I would have this relationship with that person, and if that person was interested in the object, they would have to email me and I would send that object digitally to them. So, I wanted the relationship with that person, however brief, and I wanted to spread the digital record of the things I have.
My daughter emails me. When your daughter starts to email you instead of talk to you... It's horrible. You cannot forget human communication.
To use a word I never thought I'd apply to myself, I've sort of become a Luddite with regard to information. Where everyone else is getting their Twitter feeds from 'The New York Times' and their 'Huffington Post' emails, I live in a little bit of a bubble.
If you want to deal with me, email is the way you do it. Working via email means that everything I do is searchable. I can go back and check out discussion threads from more than 15 years ago.
I do everything via email. Which in turn works as my tickler file and prioritization queue. I start at the top every morning and keep on going until I'm finished. I don't do calls. I don't do meetings.
Email helps me keep in touch with my family. I wouldn't know what my extended family was doing every day if we weren't emailing each other.
I almost don't know how to write an email.
I am very bad at computers. I don't really know how to write email.
I first emailed Tao Lin a story I wrote about the experience of losing my virginity sometime in April 2011. He didn't respond until it was later published on Thought Catalog, after which he sent me an email that said something very similar to, "I enjoyed reading this on Thought Catalog. Good job."
Everyone I know feels harassed by email which has invaded their waking and sleeping hours.
I'm really bad with trolls because I have a lot of really intense friends who are not necessarily doing things so legally. If I get trolled, [my friends will send me] an email with the person's Social Security number, phone number, pictures of his family, his business, his spouse. I see this person in his totality, and I feel so bad. I shouldn't have that power.
Nothing good comes of reading other people's emails.