Through the music and words we, as the band The ex, express our thoughts and opinions and ideas. It is not always totally necessary for our audience to clearly hear and understand every line I sing. The power and impact, the positive energy of the music are as much part of the whole thing as the words. We are not trying to convert people, but we believe in our music and like to play it in front of other people, hoping that we can get them as excited as we are about our music.
I couldn't sustain myself if I skimped on food - I work 16-hour days, I need the energy, I can't afford to be stingy on what I eat.
[The human control of atomic energy could] virtually provide anyone who wanted it with a private sun of his own.
But more than 15 sections in Chapter 8 of the report-the key chapter setting out the scientific evidence for and against a human influence over the climate-were changed or deleted after the scientist charged with examining this question had accepted the supposedly final text.
The forces are different up here at the continental divide. The magnetic lines of energy run in specific directions. The United States is divided into power zones. The Divide itself is the point where the energy meets.
The primary place where most people lose energy is in their relationships with others. That means you lose your energy in your interactions with the people you know best.
You have to be careful that in giving energy, you do not allow yourself to be excessively drained or used.
Be a perpetual beginner. Always be inspired. It is that attitude of inspiration and belief that creates energy.
Your life either takes your energy or gives you energy. Set up your life so that it gives you energy.
Things that raise your energy usually don't involve humans; things that cause energy loss usually involve humans.
Take your energy - instead of losing it in all the little hassles and all the little battles you could have fought with opponents who didn't matter.
Turn your life into a field of power and energy to draw from.
Happy people, enlightened people, successful people all share something in common. They have learned how to manage and increase their energy.
No one's lazy. What we would call the laziest person on earth expends a tremendous amount of energy to not do things.
Everything that we do involves energy, personal power. The more energy we have, the more we can accomplish.
All living things have an aura, a rapidly vibrating, invisible psychic energy field that protects them from toxic, non-physical energies that would otherwise be detrimental to them.
Everything is dependent upon energy. Energy is attention. Attention is awareness.
The sexual energies returned, when they're not evolved, are still linked with violence and the fear of power - the fear of women.
When you find a teacher, you devote your time and energy to what they believe in. You surrender not them but to the infinite, which operates through them.
If the teacher is truly enlightened, energy and light is always coming forth from them. To be in their physical presence is a great boon, not of the teacher but of that light which passes through them.
The teacher is not a person; they're a field of energy. They're a series of levels of attention. While they have a body and appear to be there, they're not.
Karma simply means that whatever type of energy you project, or you allow to pass through your being, you will become for a period of time.
It is good not to think of karma as an alien force that is outside of yourself. You are the generator of karma. Karma is the energy patterns that emanate from your life.
To stop thought, you have to go above it. We are collecting energy. When it is freed, it is like a flood and the water will rise and we are in altered states of attention.
As long as you visualize this sphere of red energy surrounding you, negative thoughts, hostilities, anger, and aggressive feelings of other persons and situations cannot enter you.