Visualize a sphere, a dome of red energy surrounding you. Feel that you are consciously directing energy from the center of your body, in the area of your naval.
If you keep focusing, gradually thoughts will become quieter and quieter, gradually the images will disappear from the mind. What is happening is the kundalini energy begins to radiate and rise, it causes the mind to be quiet.
Whatever you have learned in your previous incarnations is retained within your causal body, your multi-lifetime body of energy that lives from one incarnation to another.
The subtle physical body is made up of strands of luminous energy, and the energies are flowing through them constantly in the etheric plane. Above the subtle body is the causal body.
Just as we have a physical body, so we have an etheric body and the etheric body is made up of energy, of light.
Inwardly the sun also has an energy field, it has an aura, so does the earth, so does the moon, and so do all the planets. We're affected by those auras. It's not something that you really want to reason out.
The mystical kundalini energy has some, I don't know if you'd call them limitations, but there are certain operational factors which you should understand about it.
For most persons, the mystical kundalini energy is easier to initially perceive, unless you're extremely sensitive. It's more of a rush, a flash. There's an electric quality to it, a burning heat.
The mystical kundalini is very different. It is a much more intense transformative energy which, when used, allows a person to make tremendous spiritual leaps in a short period of time.
The kundalini rises and the kundalini is hot, it's a hot energy. Sometimes you feel it cascading up your spine, and it's kind of searing or it's tingling, it almost feels sexual.
The kundalini energy enables us to do things that would not happen otherwise, to apply an occult pressure, to use energy to create effects perhaps thousands of miles away.
When you meditate, you will care more for those around you and you will be able to do more for them, as your own awareness advances. Everyone who comes into your field of energy is positively influenced.
Even after only several weeks of practicing meditation, you will begin to have more energy and be a little bit happier. Eventually, you will experience ecstasy and knowledge beyond the power of words to describe!
To get involved with some ridiculous battle of power with someone else will use up your energy.
There are billions of people on earth. They are all transmitting thoughts and impressions, most of which are not directed towards enlightenment. If you are not focused, you will pick up these energies.
How can you tell if you are draining someone? How far have you gotten into their life? Are they dependent upon you? Are you thinking of them negatively? Does your energy drop when you stop seeing them?
When something goes wrong with the body of energy that surrounds and protects your physical body, it will later show up in your physical body. The problem always starts in the subtle physical, and then manifests in the physical.
People project a grey energy that is very destructive to weaken you, to drain you - just as the snake uses position to capture its victim.
Be honest! You are not going to want to admit energy loss. Someone is making it hard for you to look.
It is a dangerous assumption to say that people who drain energy "don't know what they are doing." People are sophisticated aware beings. Don't sit around and equivocate; they'll drain you more.
Some people use the sexual energy particularly during intercourse to take personal power from each other.
In sexual contact a doorway opens between people, and it is very possible for someone to be abusive at that time with energy.
It is possible to take energy from someone else. This is usually done in close, emotional sexual relationships.
While it is possible to create all your own energy, most people feed off the energy of others. If you could see on multiple planes of attention you would be astonished!
Avoiding things that drain you is more important than gaining energy.