Energy Quotes - Page 76

Do not let spacious plans for a new world divert your energies from saving what is left of the old.
Sir Winston Churchill (1950). “The Grand Alliance”, p.638, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
William H. Calvin (2010). “Global Fever: How to Treat Climate Change”, p.128, William H. Calvin
An idea isn't worth much until a man is found who has the energy and ability to make it work.
William Feather (1949). “The Business of Life”
William Blake, W. H. Stevenson (2007). “Blake: The Complete Poems”, p.111, Pearson Education
William Allingham (1967). “William Allingham's diary”, Centaur Press
Wayne W. Dyer (2010). “The Power of Intention”, p.113, Hay House, Inc
Warren G. Bennis, Patricia Ward Biederman (2009). “The Essential Bennis”, p.213, John Wiley & Sons
"Mr Benn delays EEC meeting". "The Times" Newspaper, December 13, 1975.