Epidemics Quotes - Page 4
Mark O. Hatfield (1971). “Conflict and conscience”
Some people are so sensitive that they feel snubbed if an epidemic overlooks them.
Kin Hubbard (1916). “New Sayings by Abe Martin and Velma's Vow: A Gripping Love Tale by Miss Fawn Lippincut ...”
There are epidemics of nobleness as well as epidemics of disease.
James Anthony Froude (2004). “Short Studies on Great Subjects”, p.18, The Minerva Group, Inc.
"The Source and Aim of Human Progress". Book by Boris Sidis, 1919.
Thought is an infection. In the case of certain thoughts, it becomes an epidemic.
Wallace Stevens (2011). “Opus Posthumous: Poems, Plays, Prose”, p.240, Vintage
Quoted in Maxim Gorky, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1920)