Eternal Quotes - Page 6
"Flor de Obsessão: as 1000 melhores frases de Nelson Rodrigues". Book by Nelson Rodrigues, 1992.
Frederick William Robertson (1873). “ser. 1 God's revelation of heaven [and other sermons]. ser. 2 Christ's judgement respecting inheritance [and other sermons]. ser. 3 The tongue [and other sermons”
Science makes no pretension to eternal truth or absolute truth.
Eric Temple Bell (1988). “Mathematics, queen and servant of science”, Tempus Books
Emily Carr (2009). “Hundreds and Thousands: The Journals of Emily Carr”, p.199, D & M Publishers
Anne Bronte (2006). “The Tenant of Wildfell Hall”, p.68,
Watchman Nee (1991). “Watchman Nee's Testimony”, p.17, Living Stream Ministry
Vincent van Gogh (2014). “Delphi Complete Works of Vincent van Gogh (Illustrated)”, p.1895, Delphi Classics
"Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations". Pp. 43-45, 1922.
What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? Keep the commandments.
Lancelot Andrewes (1856). “Devotions”, p.133
James Russell Lowell (1871). “My Study Windows”, p.146
James Huneker (2015). “Iconoclasts: A Book of Dramatists: Ibsen, Strindberg, Becque, Hauptmann, Sudermann, Hervieu, Gorky, Duse and D'Annunzio, Maeterlinck and Bernard Shaw”, p.6, CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS