
Nelson Rodrigues Quotes

Every shy person is a potential sex offender.

"Flor de Obsessão: as 1000 melhores frases de Nelson Rodrigues" by Companhia das Letras, 1992.

If life turns her back on you, grab her ass.

"Flor de Obsessão: as 1000 melhores frases de Nelson Rodrigues" by Companhia das Letras, 1992.

I won't stand for censorship, not even from Jesus Christ.

"Flor de Obsessão: as 1000 melhores frases de Nelson Rodrigues" by Companhia das Letras, 1992.

Any individual is greater than the Milky Way.

"Flor de Obsessão: as 1000 melhores frases de Nelson Rodrigues" by Companhia das Letras, (p. 83), 1992.

To love is to be faithful to those who cheat on us.

"Teatro Quase Completo" by Nelson Rodrigues, Tempo Brasileiro, (p. 440), 1965.

In soccer, the blindest player is the one who sees nothing but the ball.

"À sombra das chuteiras imortais: crônicas de futebol" by Nelson Rodrigues, Ruy Castro - Publicado por Companhia das Letras, (p. 102), 1993.

I envy stupidity, stupidity is eternal.

"Flor de Obsessão: as 1000 melhores frases de Nelson Rodrigues". Book by Nelson Rodrigues, 1992.

Money buys everything, even true love.

"Flor de Obsessão: as 1000 melhores frases de Nelson Rodrigues" by Companhia das Letras, 1992.

I only believe in those who can still blush.

"Asfalto Selvagem: Engraçadinha, seus amores e seus pecados" by Nelson Rodrigues, Ruy Castro - Published by Companhia das Letras, (p. 175), 1994.

Unanimity is always stupid.

"A mulher que Amou Demais" by Nelson Rodrigues, Published br Companhia das Letras, (p. 13), 2003.

It's very hard not to be a scoundrel nowadays. Everywhere there are pressures that work towards our personal and collective debasement.

"Flor de Obsessão: as 1000 melhores frases de Nelson Rodrigues" by Companhia das Letras, (p. 34), 1992.

Love is eternal. If it ends, it wasn't love.

"Memórias" by Nelson Rodrigues, Edições Correio de Manhã, (p. 62), 1967.

The young have all the same flaws adults do. Plus one: immaturity.

"Collection of the works of Nelson Rodrigues: the 1000 best quotes by Nelson Rodrigues" by Companhia das Letras, (p. 94), 1992.

Saturday is an illusion.

"O óbvio ululante: as primeiras confissões" by Nelson Rodrigues, Editora Agir, (p. 194), 2007.

Husbands shouldn't be the last to know. Husbands should never know!

"Life As It Is" by Nelson Rodrigues, translated by Alex Ladd, Host Publications, (p. 220), 2009.

Only the prophets see the obvious.

"A menina Sem Estrela: memórias" by Nelson Rodrigues, Ruy Castro - Published by Companhia das Letras, (p. 231), 1992.

Man finds happiness only in the superfluous. Under communism, he has only the essentials. How abominable and ridiculous!

"As 30 melhores entrevistas da Playboy: agosto 1975-agosto 2005" by Luiz Rivoiro, (p. 132), 2005.

Memory is a swindler, a forger emeritus of facts and figures.

"Crônicas completas da Manchete Esportiva 55-59" by Nelson Rodrigues, Agir Editora, (p. 523), 2007.