
Ethics Quotes - Page 2

Conscience is the chamber of justice.

Conscience is the chamber of justice.

"Dictionary of Quotations from Ancient and Modern English and Foreign Sources". Book by James Wood, p. 46, 1899.

I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man.

Thomas Jefferson, Henry Augustine Washington (1859). “The Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Correspondence. Reports and opinions while secretary of state”, p.339

Do not do an immoral thing for moral reasons.

Thomas Hardy (2012). “Jude the Obscure”, p.267, Courier Corporation

Respect is what we owe; love, what we give.

Philip James Bailey (1847). “Festus, a poem. By P. J. Bailey”, p.131

Action indeed is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Jane Addams (2016). “Democracy and Social Ethics”, p.128, Youcanprint

Wrong is wrong only when you are at liberty to choose.

Sir Rabindranath Tagore (1950). “Three Plays: Mukta-dhara, Natir Puja, Chandalika”

Ethics change with technology.

"Niven's Laws". 2002.