Networking is the No. 1 unwritten rule of success in business.
If it comes down to your ethics vs. a job, choose ethics. You can always find another job.
Greater diversity drives better business results.
People say to me, 'Has being a woman helped or hindered your career?' And the answer is yes.
As we work together and pool our resources, there's room for everyone to be successful.
If you haven't had a major fail in your career - face-plant level - you aren't trying hard enough.
If you're not making some notable mistakes along the way, you're certainly not taking enough business and career chances.
I love what's going on these days with these powerful women who are really working to make a difference.
I prefer the word "engagement." Instead of empowerment, it's enabling women to engage in business.
Nothing bad happens when women are in positions of power.
If a woman is making $85,000 a year, putting aside 20% of her income, putting it in a bank, earning very little...Over the course of her life vs. investing, this can cost her $1.5 million, $2 million, $2.5 million. Life changing amounts.
There is absolutely nothing that beats hard work.
I'm really putting my life towards helping women to invest, and there's a circular reference here because if women can invest and give themselves the opportunity to earn higher returns, they can start those businesses. They can go to work with a little more confidence to ask for that promotion, to ask for the new assignment, etc.
Technology is going to play an increasingly, increasingly, increasingly important role in every industry. And it's good.
I would say one of the reasons that women don't invest to the same extent that men do, is because we still think of it in some ways as a male pursuit.
If a woman was successful, she wasn't helping other women.
I think that indicates why men tend to invest more wealth. If he loses some, there's more coming in. Whereas for women, it's like "Ugh, I gotta keep this."
Facts are that the financial advisers on Wall Street today or anywhere depending on which firm, what point in time - 85 to 88 percent male, and that is part of why investing for women they tell us feels unapproachable because they don't see people who look like them.
Women, girls and young ladies tend to be as good or better at math than boys, but you didn't think that either.
When you speak to a man or a woman about money, they will use water visualizations. For men, it typically is a river. Money comes in; money goes out. The level rises; the level sinks. For women, when you talk about money, to her... it's a pond. It's a set amount. She husbands it, and it typically goes in one direction... which is down.
Women tend to live longer than men do. Women tend to have, unfortunately, their salaries peaked sooner than men's do. Both of these things are extraordinarily important in putting together financial and investing plans for women.
Women tend to have a better track record in investing - when they invest - than men do, because they tend to take a longer-term perspective. They tend to trade less. They tend to shift in and out of stocks or mutual funds less often.
Women tend to collaborate, in my experience, more easily than gentlemen do.
Emerging investors want to invest differently. They want to have their dollars - their investment dollars - do double duty.
Women tend to very much, very much think of money as a means to an end, not as an end in itself.