What's dangerous is not to evolve.
You are constantly changing & evolving through your experiences, how you interpret your experiences, and how you choose to do things in the future based on those experiences.
If you change the rules on what controls you... you will change the rules on what you can control.
When evolution has been outlawed, only the outlaws will evolve.
One cannot evolve from one's robothood until one realizes how totally one has been robotized.
I'm trying to consciously evolve myself. I have no delusions of grandeur.
You can't just stick with what you know, you have to evolve.
It’s only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve.
I'm drawn particularly to stories that evolve out of the character of the protagonist.
We cannot evolve faster than our language. The edge of being is the edge of meaning, and somehow we have to push the edge of meaning. We have to extend it.
I can't say that I've fully achieved my dream yet. I'm just starting to evolve.
Love is ever evolving and it takes compromise, work and patience.
Business is constantly changing, constantly evolving.
Life took over 4 billion years to evolve into you, and you've about 70 more years to enjoy it. Don't just pursue happiness, catch it.
We didn't evolve through billions of years to remain animals.
Trust is not about what you can or cannot do in the name of love but who you are and what you choose to reveal as things progress and evolve.
Changing behaviours begins with evolving beliefs.
One can overlook stupidity, until it evolves into malice.
You have to evolve and change but you're always gonna get that street edge out of my music regardless. That's who I am. That's in me and that ain't gon' never go away.
Make the best of every moment. We're not evolving. We're not going anywhere.
Of course everybodys thinking evolves over time.
Like it or not, the world evolves, priorities change and so do you.
Life is about love and experience and learning and evolving and I am richer and thankful for all of the experiences in my life.
You have to be involved to evolve.
R&B is never going to be dead, it's just going to evolve.