Excellent Quotes

Discipline helps you finish a job, and finishing is what separates excellent work from average work.
Pat Summitt (1999). “Reach for the Summit”, p.193, Crown Business
"Life of Alexander" by Plutarch, translated by John Dryden, 1895.
Money is in some respects like fire; it is a very excellent servant but a terrible master.
"Money: How To Get It, How To Keep It".
William Morris, May Morris (2012). “The Collected Works of William Morris: With Introductions by His Daughter May Morris”, p.23, Cambridge University Press
Paul Laurence Dunbar (2010). “The Sport of the Gods: and Other Essential Writings”, p.383, Modern Library
Whether I make them or not, there are always sounds to be heard and all of them are excellent.
John Cage, James Joyce (1982). “Roaratorio: ein irischer Circus über Finnegans wake”, Athenaum
Michel de Montaigne (1958). “Essays”
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1997). “Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life”, p.131, Basic Books