
Fall Quotes - Page 81

Trans women of color dangerously fall in between the cracks of racial justice, feminist and LGbt movements.

Trans women of color dangerously fall in between the cracks of racial justice, feminist and LGbt movements.

"A Note on Visibility in the Wake of 6 Trans Women’s Murders in 2015". February 16, 2015.

To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love.

Jane Austen (2005). “Jane Austen: 8 Books in 1”, p.99, Shoes & Ships & Sealing Wax

Each day is a branch of the Tree of Life laden heavily with fruit. If we lie down lazily beneath it, we may starve; but if we shake the branches, some of the fruit will fall for us.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1888). “Longfellow's Days: The Longfellow Prose Birthday Book : Extracts from the Journals and Letters of H. W. Longfellow”

When you fall in love, the natural thing to do is give yourself to it.

Haruki Murakami (2011). “Norwegian Wood”, p.354, Random House

All the world is full of inscape and chance left free to act falls into an order as well as purpose.

Donald McChesney, Gerard Manley Hopkins (1968). “A Hopkins Commentary: an Explanatory Commentary on the Main Poems, 1876-89”

Change is a measure of time and, in the autumn, time seems speeded up. What was is not and never again will be; what is is change.

Edwin Way Teale (1987). “Circle of the seasons: the journal of a naturalist's year”, Olympic Marketing Corp

For whatsoever from one place doth fall, Is with the tide unto an other brought: For there is nothing lost, that may be found, if sought.

Edmund Spenser, Abraham Stoll (2006). “The Faerie Queene, Book Five”, p.28, Hackett Publishing

The same niggas I ball with, I fall with

Song: Ignorant Shit, Album: So Far Gone, 2009