The best thing to do is just know that there's a big difference between style and fashion, and that one doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other.
There are a bunch of different ways to look at the fashion industry. Is it shallow to work in fashion? Yes, it can be. But does fashion transform a woman who might feel like nothing and unimportant to glamorous and gorgeous? Yes, it does. Does it employ a huge sector of America? Yes, it does.
For the consumer, fashion is fashion. You can buy something beautiful for $20 and you can buy something ugly for $1,000. It comes down to style. As far as the industry as a whole, it is hard to say. I don't like to separate the worlds.
People should just express themselves and not worry about trends - try to use fashion like a compass, an indicator, examples of things that you can be. It's not to be taken so seriously. It's just clothes.
If people decide thin is out, the fashion industry won't have thin models anymore. Have you spent time with fashion people? They are ruthless. They want money. And the one thing they know is people want clothes to cover their bodies. Unfortunately, most people aren't comfortable with their bodies.
Most fashion models do not look good in bikinis because they're too thin.
I think fashion is like putting on armor. I like that aspect of it, but it's not something I want to think about every day.
The ability to look at certain patterns with regards to urban fashion, with regards to swagger, with regards to cultural hegemony, with regards to the ways in which young people look at resistance culture as a pattern that should be mimicked and admired.
The style police think that what we look like is more important than anything, and it is their job to seek out and punish those who break their own fashion rules
I've never really compared myself to anyone who's a big star - I'm not trying to be a fashion icon or get famous.
Things go in cycles. It's like fashion, like flares go out then skinny jeans come in, people want something fresh. It's the strongest ever urban scene at the moment and I hope it can progress and keep getting stronger and be the base for something larger.
I write some art criticism, and one thing that's clear to me is that politics is fashionable in the American art world in a way it maybe isn't in American fiction. Your work of art becomes fashionable the moment it has some kind of political commentary. I think this has its dangers - the equation between fashion, politics, and art is problematic for obvious reasons. Nonetheless, the notion of politics as being de rigueur in the world of fiction is almost unthinkable. In fiction in America at the moment, the escape into whimsy is far more prevalent than the political.
I went to New York for Fashion Week and girls showed up waiting to see me. It's funny because there's a group of girls who I actually recognize because they always show up. It's nice and I'm like, 'Hi girls! I recognize your faces!' It's just like a feel-good experience.
I knew nothing about fashion growing up, because in Florida you just wear bikinis and flip-flops. But kids can be cruel, and they used to make fun of me for having long legs and bushy eyebrows. My mom would flip through magazines and say, "Look, all these models have that too." I decided I wanted to be a model.
I've always loved fashion, but it's not what I set out to do.
To do high fashion, you have to go into a little bit of a higher price point.
Growing up in a house of five girls, I couldn't help but glance at a fashion magazine or two.
By the end of Fashion Week my apartment is covered with makeup and clothes and shoes. Everything you can think of.
I can tell you all kinds of moral tales, but fashion and reality are vaguely different.
The importance of logo into today's fashion is un! be! Lievable!
I lost 200lb to wear suits by Hedi Slimane
If you throw money out of the window throw it out with joy. Don’t say: 'one shouldn't do that' - that is bourgeois.
T-shirts for ten dollars are even more fashion today than expensive fashion.
It would have been difficult to have an ugly daughter.
I don't know if I'm all that famous. When I first started my idea of what a career in fashion would look like is very different to the reality now.