Sometimes people have to remind you to aim high. Most of us are afraid of aiming high for fear of failure and our biggest failure is that we aim too low.
Don't permit fear of failure to prevent effort.
Don't let the fear of failure or failure as a whole stop you from becoming an entrepreneur. Failure doesn't define you or your business unless you allow it to.
The desire to succeed has a lot less compulsion than the fear of failure.
Fear sees, even when eyes are closed.
The antidote for fear of failure is not success but small doses of failure.
The great fear I've had to overcome is the fear of failure. You have to be willing to be afraid, if you're going to be an artist.
The great fear I've had to overcome is the fear of failure. It can be safer to stay in a comfort zone that's not stretching yourself.
If you do what you love, hold nothing back, and never let fear of failure get in your way, then you've pretty much figured out the Trump formula.
May we understand that fear of failure is worse than failure itself
If a movie goes south, it might not capsize me the way it used to. But I still have a terrible fear of failure. I'm a huge worrier.
Definitely, it's a fear of failure that drives me.
If you can't embrace both failure or the possibility of failure, or the tremendous fear of failure, you can't be wildly successful. It's just an axiomatic truth.
When you're in front of an audience, you know if it didn't work. I get very nervous and have a fear of failure that is much more profound than in the podcast world.
I think everyone shares a fear of failure-that you're only as good as your most recent collection.
The things we do without the fear of failure and the desire for success are the purest acts we'll ever do