
Alexander Wang Quotes

Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous, but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing.

Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous, but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing.

"25 of the Best Fashion Quotes of All Time" by Lauren Hutton, Krystin Arneson, Megan Gustashaw, Glamour, 2011.

No one is going to understand your brand better than you.

"Alexander Wang: Fashion's Boy Wonder" by Anamaria Wilson, August 11, 2011.

When you focus on the consumer, the consumer responds.

"Le Freak, C'est Chic: Die Antwoord Fronts Alexander Wang's T Campaign" by Nick Axelrod, April 26, 2012.

Where music leads, I follow.

"Le Freak, C'est Chic: Die Antwoord Fronts Alexander Wang's T Campaign" by Nick Axelrod, April 26, 2012.

No one ever taught me, and I never had formal classes in pattern making, so I was like, Okay, I'll just drape, and I'll sew as I pin it.

"Alexander Wang: Fashion's Boy Wonder" by Anamaria Wilson, August 11, 2011.