There were some films I refused because the feminist aspect was a bit wonky.
Donald, my husband, considers himself a feminist.
The belief that married-couple families are superior is probably the most pervasive prejudice in the Western world.
I think the best article was the article about radical feminists being against transgender women. I found that the most fascinating article and I absolutely loved it. I love battles within the gay community or feminist community. I love radical theorists.
I can't even describe to anybody what it feels like to have my naked body shot across the world like a news flash against my will. It just makes me feel like a piece of meat that's being passed around for profit.
I feel like a feminist is gender equality.
I didn't see myself as any advance guard, or feminist.
People were always able to look at Bettie Page and see what they needed her to be and she gave them that permission to do so. So in that way she's a feminist but I don't think she was ever trying to be.
I'm a woman who was raised to believe that you are not complete unless you have a man. Well, in some ways it's true. I am a feminist to a point. But I'm not going to deny the fact that I love to be with men.
In every century, there are a handful of writers who help the human race to evolve. Andrea is one of them.
Women tend to be conservative in youth and get more radical as they get older because they lose power with age. So, if a young woman is not a feminist, I say, just wait.
A feminist is someone who loathes being a woman and who dislikes the chief feminine characteristics.
I am a feminist and I have no problems being called that.
When I was much younger, I sometimes felt rejected by feminists because of an image that I sold because it paid the bills. Any fool could tell my hair is dyed.
I'm a feminist, but I think that romance has been taken away a bit for my generation.
I call myself a feminist when people ask me if I am, and of course I am 'cause it's about equality, so I hope everyone is. You know you're working in a patriarchal society when the word "feminist" has a weird connotation.
Now my mother, interestingly enough, was not a feminist in her own mind.
Even though I had a good income from my lectures, no one would give me a loan. The insanity almost drove me to sympathize with the feminist movement.
Gloria Steinem in the women's movement. Eleanor Smeal of the Feminist Majority. There are all of these great wonderful women I've met that are so inspirational.
I've never been a feminist.
Because, in fact, women, feminists, do read my poetry, and they read it often with the power of their political interpretation. I don't care; that's what poetry is supposed to do.
No, not a feminist. I'm a humanist. I'm neither one side nor the other.
I just got asked by another journalist 'Are you a feminist?' and I was just like... Is there a strange thing at the moment where you have to come out as a feminist? I've been asked if I'm a feminist so many times recently, and I'm just like 'Yes, yes, for God's sake, yes! Is there something that I give off that says I'm not?'
I call myself a feminist. Isn't that what you call someone who fights for women's rights?
I'll always prefer to play with women and hang out with women, and I'll always be a feminist.