Whatever I am, I'm not as bad as the person that read the novel before watching the film. I'll enjoy whatever they [producers] are putting in front of me. If they made an attempt to get things right, then I'll criticize them for what they got wrong. If they made no attempt to get things right, and yet they stumble on something that's right, I'll comment on what they got right.
TV is an extraordinary medium. You can do things with TV that you just can't do on film. There's so much more time, there's the opportunity for development, and you can let things lay dormant for a period. You can't really do that in two hours or three hours in a movie, that often, I would say.
We really throw ourselves into our work and the details from your life show up from time to time in the finished film. Our personal experiences really help to bring shape to the movies we make at Disney.
The good thing about a film, or at least the films I've been a part of, is, no matter what happens in the end, you do the premiere and everyone's excited. You don't remember the rough times.
I think television scripts have become really intriguing and well-done. And writers have stopped drawing any actual line between film and television they used to never cross.
The fact that audiences have come away moved, excited, entertained and stimulated by the film is extraordinarily flattering.
I never ever thought that I would be in a Bond film, ever, which is weird because I grew up loving these amazing movies.
Documentary film without nuanced journalistic sourcing risks being sensational, tendentious or broad-brushed.
You're always nervous about how a film lands with an audience.
Although I feel directing is a lot more challenging, fulfilling and satisfying, it is also far more stressful & consuming. This is why I don't see myself directing one film after another in quick succession.
I start to paint my walls. And I'm heavily influenced by films.
[I influenced by ]the work of early [Michelangelo] Antonioni, Orson Welles and [Carlo] Pasolini, I love [Nicolas Jack] Roeg's film "Performance".
The categories of A-minus through C-plus [films] are completely dominated by Hollywood.
I would say music, film, and talented people inspire me.
California is like the Mecca of the film industry. Everyone's seen California.
The more we can be honest about ourselves as filmmakers, than the more we can be honest with people who see the films.
Film is an oversimplification of things. That it really boils things down and makes them too simple.
I find it really weird that sexuality is still so taboo in films and violence isn't. It really bewilders me.
In many ways, it is very real, because I sat there for 9 days, and it was constantly happening, and that was the 9 days of making the film. But you can't say that it's 100% true, because there are places where I've been intrusive and interfered.
You cant expect a man to change in one day by watching a film, right?
I would like to produce films, but I feel I am an unsuccessful producer. Thats the fact.
There's a lot that you can do in television that you can't do with a film, theoretically. At the time, the only possibility was to do a movie.
My family is not at all involved in television, or film, or theatre, or any of it, really.
As a woman filmmaker it's pretty important that you have some basis of confidence that you're coming from, because, as I got closer to LA, there's less and less women. There's less and less mirrors for who you are.
I'm not a cinephile. My films don't reference films. I'm more interested in rhythm and feeling.