Other filmmakers make their movies and put them out and that's that. For me, for some odd reason, it goes deeper than that.
I guess it's easier to get things made when you know the story you want to tell, you know the characters you want to play, and you know the filmmakers you want to tell them with.
I've come to really believe that I have something to offer as a filmmaker, that goes beyond what I had to offer as an actress and maybe this is what I'm meant to do.
I'm very happy to be involved with great filmmakers.
As a filmmaker, I've had films that over-achieved and I've had films that under-achieved. You always go in trying to do your very best.
We didn't set out to make some polemic about life in the digital age, I can only react emotionally to story ideas. You hear an idea and you go, 'That's cool. I can see spending a few years of my life working on that.' As a filmmaker, you approach it like, 'OK. They're going to give you all this money to make this movie. It's like an electric train set you get to play with.'
I am a filmmaker fanatic. I have never been star-struck by an actor once in my entire life.
Every filmmaker's different, every filmmaker has a different approach.
I was as equally influenced by Bergman as I was [low-budget sexploitation filmmaker].
This is what I always tell my filmmakers-you have to do tons of research, because you don't know where the inspiration is going come from.
I wanted to just be a filmmaker, and I thought I wanted to do all the aspects, and it seemed like as a producer was the best way to do it, because I could have... You never have control on a movie, but you have as much control as you can. You can push it through, and you can hire the right people.
The filmmaker is not telling you what to think.
What you hope, what you're trusting the filmmaker to do, is to capture the emotional truth of the situation.
I still consider myself to be an amateur filmmaker. And I say that because in the Latin origin of the word amateur is the word love, and it's love of a form, whereas professional implies something you do for money or for work.
All the filmmakers I've worked with have taken my desire to educate myself very seriously.
Being a filmmaker is kind of like being a glorified spy.
One can be a good critic and a moral observer, but one remains professionally detached as a writer and a filmmaker.
Being snarky and smug doesn't equate to providing insight, and there's more than one occasion when the filmmakers lose sight of this in their zeal to spread the Gospel According to Maher.
I knew that I always wanted to be a filmmaker, an actor, a writer and a director, that was always my plan.
I hope to continue my friendship with France and its filmmakers for many years to come.
As a filmmaker, you take reality and you tell a story from it.
Studios look backward. Filmmakers look forward.
For me, it was all about working with an inspirational filmmaker.
As a filmmaker, you want your work seen by the widest audience possible.
Most filmmakers go out with the first feature and nobody cares.