
First Amendment Quotes

The notion that the First Amendment has no limitations whatsoever is balderdash.

The notion that the First Amendment has no limitations whatsoever is balderdash.

"Congressman Trey Gowdy On Leaks: ‘I Thought All Reporters Aspire’ To Go To Jail" By Jack Mirkinson, July 12, 2012.

False religions like Islam who teach that you must worship this way, are completely opposite with what our First Amendment stands for.

"Front-Runner For U.S. Senate Seat In Alabama Calls Islam A ‘False Religion" by Christopher Mathias, July 25, 2017.

The First Amendment is not without limits.

"Larry Flynt and Jerry Falwell". "Larry King Live", January 10, 1997.

The First Amendment says keep government out of religion. It doesn't say keep religion out of government.

"Rand Paul’s Presidential Campaign: Five Facts About His Faith" by Kimberly Winston, April 8, 2015.

That's in the First Amendment?

"Media Twist O’Donnell-Coons Exchange on Church and State". "The Rush Limbaugh Show", October 19, 2010.