Then he kissed her, not just a brush of lips as she'd done, but a kiss a kiss that scalded her tongue. The tree burst into full blooms. The garden fluttered around her. A riot of flowers shot out of the earth. She was mud-covered as he pulled back.
If she loved him the way she said she did, she wanted him whole. Maybe this was what love meant after all: sacrifice and selflessness. It did not mean hearts and flowers and a happy ending, but the knowledge that another's well-being is more important than one's own.
Twisting and wiring and stringing starching and curling, delicately painting spots and shadings on scraps of silk until what had been nothing more than a pile of brightly colored fragments had been transformed into the silk irises, forget-me-not, violets and roses that would adorn the hats of women and girls more fortunate than themselves.
In winter, play with the snow; in summer, play with the Sun! Do not wait for something to come; everything is already here! In autumn, play with the leaves, in spring, play with the flowers! In summer, don't wait for the winter; in winter, don't wait for the summer! Everything is already here, in this present time you live in!
Cities make people sick; they create living dead! Get away from the cities in every possible occasion! River does no harm to you; forest does no harm to you; wild flowers do no harm to you! When you are in nature, you are amongst the friends! Be clever, be in the nature!
Take your tent and go for the camping! You are dying in the cities! Thousands of stars, hundreds of birds, tens of flowers are waiting for you to heal you!
Sun shines with its light; flowers shine with their beauties and men shine with their goodnesses.
If you are unknown, you can work better! Deserted soils of the mountains create the most beautiful flowers!
The legendary Buddhist flower udumbara is believed to blossom once every three millennia! What about the Flower of Peace? In every ten million years?
In the cold dark days of the winter, dream about the flowers to get warmed up!
You can be a flower in somebody's garden or a pig or the sunshine or a crow or a nightingale! Be something nice in someone else's garden.
People are ready to take the good things into their minds! Give them good and right ideas; they will immediately take them as if they are taking beautiful flowers!
Flowers represent hope for us; but we do not represent hope for them! Let us keep the flowers in the soil; no plucking!
Flowers have the greatest talent in converting an ordinary place into a magical palace!
Flowers are almost perfect; their only flaw is that they are weak; they can't protect themselves against the evil!
When you see the flower of happiness on your way, don't take it immediately; sit and watch it and realise how rare it is!
The goodnesses you do will beautifully cover you like the beautiful flowers covering a country house!
A marching army first crushes the flowers before the enemy; but even before this, it crushes its own conscience! Conscience and killing cannot be together.
No flower wants to be at home when it is raining outside!
There must be every kind of books in your library. The most beautiful gardens are those with many different flowers, with all kinds of herbs and weeds!
Weeds are luckier than flowers because they are not killed for their beauties!
You want to do something good for the flowers? Then, keep the flowers in the soil, in nowhere else!
There are no flowers in the Moon; that's why the Moon is a boring place!
Paradise can take the form of anything! It can be a flower or it can be a word or it can just be a sincere smile!
Rumi says love turns thorns into flowers. This means that hate turns flowers into thorns!