Forever Quotes - Page 59

Though I'm anything but clever, I could talk like that forever.
W. S. Gilbert, Ian C. Bradley (2016). “The Complete Annotated Gilbert and Sullivan”, p.229, Oxford University Press
Vincent van Gogh (2014). “Delphi Complete Works of Vincent van Gogh (Illustrated)”, p.2333, Delphi Classics
No limits whatever are placed to the productions of the earth; they may increase forever.
Thomas Robert Malthus (1959). “Population: The First Essay”, p.9, University of Michigan Press
Thomas Jefferson (1950). “The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 31: 1 February 1799 to 31 May 1800”, p.78, Princeton University Press
John Morley, Thomas B. Macaulay (2016). “Machiavelli : the Founder of the Political”, p.94, Editions Le Mono
Thomas Moore (1841). “Select Poetical Works”, p.55
Terry Pratchett (2008). “Lords And Ladies: (Discworld Novel 14)”, p.349, Random House
Answers come and go, I've found. But the questions? Those remain forever.
T. A. Barron (2011). “The Dragon of Avalon”, p.95, Penguin
Sylvia Plath (2013). “The Journals of Sylvia Plath”, p.145, Anchor
It's a rare gift to understand that your life is wondrous, and that it won't last forever.
Steven Galloway (2009). “The Cellist of Sarajevo”, p.15, Atlantic Books Ltd