Fundamentals Quotes - Page 14
Arthur C. Clarke (2012). “2010: Odyssey Two”, p.264, RosettaBooks
"Disturbing the Peace: A Conversation with Karel Hvížďala". Book by Václav Havel, translated by Paul Wilson. Chapter 1: "Growing Up Outside'", p. 17, 1990.
The most likely site for error is in the most fundamental of our beliefs.
Samuel Warren Carey (1988). “Theories of the Earth and Universe: A History of Dogma in the Earth Sciences”, p.5, Stanford University Press
"The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection". Book by Ronald Fisher, 1930.
"All the lonely people" by Roger Ebert, November 10, 2010.
'Modern Science, Metaphysics and Mathematics', collected in Basic Writings (1977).