I make impact plays. I make game-changing plays.
I'll tell you, there were only a few games in my career where I was totally oblivious to everything around me, where I was in the zone.
People get hurt all the time in the game of football, it's part of what we do.
I played one game, and one game played me.
It's funny how you can know your friends so well, but you still end up playing the same games with them.
Mary bring out your umbrella - The sun shines down on this fine, fine day But the ashes raining down forever Are going to turn your hair to gray. Mary keep your oars a-steady Sail away on the rising flood Keep your candle at the ready Red tides can't be told from blood. - "Miss Mary" (a common child's clapping game, dating from the time of the blitz), from Pattycake and Beyond: A History of Play
I am quite competitive. In stupid things like card games.
There were times, however, when a man had to make a strategic retreat to win the game.
When I was a kid down there it was always a dream to go to a Nebraska game but when you live in those small towns you hardly ever get up to one.
There's nothing better than a Nebraska summer so I wanted to live there in the summer time and visit my family and go to as many Nebraska games as I could.
Living in a small town you couldn't go anywhere on a Saturday where a store had the game on. If you were downtown you heard the game. If you were at the gas station you heard the game. I remember I would be mowing the lawn and I would stop for the Nebraska game. I would have it cranking outside.
I've done radio interviews about this movie [42]. I feel I'm a part of this movie, since I knew Jackie Robinson. I was at his first game.
Another piece of clarification around playing games at a friend's house - should you choose to play your game at your friend's house, there is no fee to play that game while you are signed in to your profile.
While there have been many potential scenarios discussed, today we have only confirmed that we designed Xbox One to enable our customers to trade in and resell games at retail.
Whether I make two dollars or no dollars, it's better than losing. I've got enough people playing the games at the casino that I don't lose any money. So it's good for me, and it's fun.
Glenn and I were listening to a radio show in the car, and he said, "Glass Eye Pix should do radio plays." I loved the idea of working in a different medium. We've made comics, books, movies, video games, models, advent calendars, why wouldn't we try audio plays?
I've done a lot of video games and stuff, and I'm getting better and better at it. I don't have a prejudice about it being a different medium.
Obviously, the only reason I'm where I am is because God has gifted me and He has seen fit to put me where I am. I have to honor that by using my influence and my status on the team and in the game of baseball for good and to His purpose.
God has given me a lot of ability to play the game of baseball.
I go game to game, at-bat to at-bat. That's my way.
One-run games can go either way, and most of the time they do.
The thing I love about the NBA game is that it's a playmaker's league.
There's pressure every night to be the best on the court. I put a lot of pressure on myself. Pressure is part of the game. It is also part of life. I want to prove I can do the work and be a success off the court as well as on it.
I just try to focus on the basketball game and not get caught up in all the media.
We're looking at ideas to remodel Arrowhead Stadium. It's 30 years old and it's not a good American soccer stadium. We're looking at ways to improve Arrowhead-which is oriented for NFL games--for our spectators.