
Genius Quotes - Page 67

Every child is in a way a genius; and every genius is in a way a child.

"The World as Will and Representation". Book by Arthur Schopenhauer (Bd. 2, § 3.31, p. 451), 1819.

While Genius was thus wasting his strength in eccentric flights, I saw a person of a very different appearance, named Application.

Anna Letitia Barbauld, Lucy Aikin (1825). “The works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld: in two volumes”, p.167

the distinction between talent and genius is definite. Talent combines and uses; genius combines and creates.

Anna Brownell Jameson (1877). “A commonplace book of thoughts, memories and fancies, original and selected”, p.73

There was never a genius who was not thought a fool until he disclosed himself; whereas he is a fool then only.

Ambrose Bierce (2015). “A Cynic Looks at Life”, p.38, Sheba Blake Publishing

Consult the Genius of the Place in all.

'Epistles to Several Persons' 'To Lord Burlington' (1731) l. 57

Persons of genius, and those who are most capable of art, are always most fond of nature: as such are chiefly sensible, that all art consists in the imitation and study of nature.

Alexander Pope, William Warburton (1787). “The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: In Six Volumes Complete. With His Last Corrections, Additions, and Improvements; Together with All His Notes, as They Were Delivered to the Editor a Little Before His Death: Printed Verbatim from the Octavo Edition of Mr. Warburton”, p.265