
Ghana Quotes

At long last, the battle has ended! And thus, Ghana, your beloved country is free forever!

Kwame Nkrumah's first independence speech, March 6, 1957.

Every Christmas, all around Ghana, there are tons of these parties and they are full of everything that exists in human life in Ghana and worldwide.

"African Writer Helps Put Her Community On Media Map". "Tell Me More" with Michel Martin, June 20, 2011.

The summer I finished my first novel Ghana Must Go, I drove across west Africa: from Accra to Lomé to Cotonou to the deliciously named Ouagadougou.

"Taiye Selasi on discovering her pride in her African roots" by Taiye Selasi, March 22, 2013.

Globalization has made copper and other minerals more valuable, and Ghana and Kenya have recently discovered mineral resources.

"Bill Gates Talks to TIME About the Three Myths of Global Aid". Interview with Jeffrey Kluger, January 21, 2014.