God Quotes - Page 34
George Herbert (1871). “The English Poems of George Herbert: Together with His Collection of Proverbs Entitled Jacula Prudentum”, p.239
"Markings". Book by Dag Hammarskjöld, 1963.
Charles Stanley (2010). “In Step With God: Understanding His Ways and Plans for Your Life”, p.115, Thomas Nelson Inc
"The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume 3: Narnia, Cambridge, and Joy, 1950 - 1963".
Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, Donna Lee Toney (2011). “Billy Graham in Quotes”, p.49, Thomas Nelson Inc
Song: Wake Up, Album: 4 Eva N A Day, 2012
Alan Watts (1997). “Zen and the Beat Way”
Maya Angelou (2011). “Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now”, p.18, Bantam
Abraham Lincoln (1989). “Abraham Lincoln: Speeches & Writings Part 2: 1859-1865: Library of America #46”, p.261, Library of America